Scouts Of Canada

Les Scouts du Canada

The life for Scouts of Canada

Major awards for Scouts of Canada

Scouts Canada offers many rewards to its members:

* The Chief Scout's Award, established in 1973, is the highest award of the Scout Section.
* The Queen's Venturer Award is the highest award of the Adventure Program. When in 1968 the age limit of the Scout programe has been revised from 17 to 14 years, the Raiders level was created for youth 14 to 17 years. In the wake of these changes, the Queen's Scout Award was replaced by the Queen's Venturer Award.
* The Amory Adventure Award is awarded to a company of Adventurers who have demonstrated leadership in the design, planning and implementation of an outside activity.

Camps for Scouts of Canada

Scouts Canada operates approximately 200 camps across Canada, the most famous are those of Impeesa Extreme Camp Byng and the Haliburton Scout Reserve and Tamaracouta. The camp Tamaracouta is considered the oldest Scout camp still in operation worldwide.


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